Monday, May 16, 2005

Tiger Found in Stretford?

the tiger on a packet of frosties
Dear Mr Bucket
Here is the Tiger I found in Stretford. What do you require the Neighbourhood to do with it?
Can you organise your Tiger Hunt for Next Monday? You'll not require sugar I beleive he's sweet enough?


  • Blogger bu-cket said...
    May 16, 2005 10:53 AM  

    Mr B B John So sorry but i shall not be here next Monday so would you mind organising the safari!!Trust this will not put you out Cheers student 4

  • Blogger Big Bad John said...
    May 16, 2005 12:06 PM  

    Whoops!! Do I have to eat the whole packet to find the tiger or will it appear by itself? I am not sure that I'll have enough milk to organise the whole safari or enough bowls for the Hunting Party? As Master of the Hunt are you providing the Stirrup Cup?

  • Blogger bu-cket said...
    May 16, 2005 12:50 PM  

    Soory BIg John it will be a tea total hunt cheers Mr bucket

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