During our visit, we had the opportunity to examine various artifacts and the item Ken is handling, is the broken top of a pot container, which is thought to have held oil or wine.

After examining the top from a broken container, we were shown the complete item and it has been assumed that the spike at the bottom is for storage purposes. When we went into the kitchen at Ordsall Hall, we saw similar pots in round metal stands in the daity. They were very large and heavy and possibly carried over the shoulder when the Roman Legions were on the move.

I am not sure quite what is being handled by Ken in this photo, maybe anybody else on the trip would like to let us know what it is!
The photos posted were taken for our group by Ken's escort, again Linda stepping into the breach for us. Again super photos and a lovely reminder of our visit to the Museum.
December 20, 2005 3:36 AM
In the last photo, Ken was obviously examining an example of the dinosaur Ourkidosaurus, which roamed the plains of Salford over 80 million years ago.
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