Monday, September 25, 2006


Wecome back to all the old hands hands in the Monday drop in class and also to all the new members .
Our friend John Richarrds is unfortunately in hospital having blood translusions , get well soon.
My thanks to John for his very pleasant gift and to David for the fime way that he distributed the contents, we mustn't expect this every week.
Long may the group continuel

Monday, September 18, 2006

Visit to Gayle Chong Kwan Exhibition at the Chinese Gallery 29th July 2006

We had a very enjoyable visit to the Gallery and looked at a selection of landscapes created from various foods.

Bread had been used to create theillusionof structures and paths and fences and fruit waswidely used to depict flowers and foliage.

One of the landscapes was created with chocolate and it had been used in blocks, melted and crumbled. Quite amazing.

The curator gave us a warm welcome and told us how the gallery had come to exist in order to give chinese artists a venue in which to show their work.

We adjourned to the sitting area and enjoyed the opportunity to smell the different flavoured tea leaves and finally to taste a tea of our choice. Itried the white tea, which was very refreshing and some of the other members of our group tried "rose bud" and Green tea".

A very interesting visit and our thanks to the curators and Mary for making our visit possible.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Accessible Google

There's now a version of Google which has been designed for the visually impaired. The main advantages are:
  • The interface is cleaner.
  • The search results are ordered both by the relevance to the search terms, and the accessibility of the website.
  • There are no adverts, at least at the moment.
  • The html code which is read by screen readers is better, but could still be improved.
The address of Accessible Google is: