Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Accessible websites

The National library for the blind website hosts a website called A-sites. This is a gateway to some websites which they consider to be accessible. You can either browse through their categories or do a search. Might be useful, though it's strange that Manchester United appears under the category of sport, rather than history.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Large print crossword book

Published by:Holland Enterprises Ltd, Woodford Green, Essex.1G8 8HD

Computer tip - make an email shortcut

Short cut to email on desktop
1: Open Internet explorer
2: Go to address – www.yahoo.co.uk
3: Follow link to mail
4: Right click on the address on the address line
5: Click on copy from the menu
6: Minimise explorer and go to the desktop
7: Right click on the desktop
8: Click on new on the menu and then on short cut on second menu
9: Hold down control key and press V – to paste the address
10:Press enter key
11:Type the name you want to appear on screen for the short cut
12:Press enter key again
13: Short cut should then be on your desktop
14:Double click on the new short cut to make sure it works.
Best of luck - Elaine
Let me know if you find this useful or have any suggestions for additions.
Contact me at elainenursery@yahoo.co.uk

Transport problem.

Very sorry not to be with you today Monday 23rd.
After getting up extra early and being lucky and getting a bus into Eccles without too long a wait I felt that all was going well and then the luck ran out. After a long wait on a very crowded Eccles tram station the announcment came over the speaker system to say that there were no trams running between Eccles and Broadway due to a traffic accident. So here I am back at home and because it is Bank holiday next week I shall not be seeing your smiling faces for two weeks . No doubt because I am not there you will be starting something new. emjoy the break.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Tiger Found in Stretford?

the tiger on a packet of frosties
Dear Mr Bucket
Here is the Tiger I found in Stretford. What do you require the Neighbourhood to do with it?
Can you organise your Tiger Hunt for Next Monday? You'll not require sugar I beleive he's sweet enough?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

New Map Site

Google have released a new map service at


and it looks pretty good. You can type in your postcode to get a local map, zoom in or out, get directions between 2 places and print out a route.

Also you can hold down the left mousr button and drag the map to show what's on top or at the side which can be pretty useful.

Great if you want to give someone directions to your house for a party!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Photos of Manchester: Number 2
Green and rural molehill

Computers should be easy - No. 1

When you are on the Internet and want to go back to the last page you visited, normally you would move the mouse all the way up to the toolbar to click on the Back button. Just press the Backspace key on the keyboard to do the same thing! It will save you half a second - not much, but over a lifetime this is two weeks saved (possibly spent on a beach on the Med.)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Web site

The British Legion website is at


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Nations Big Thank you

This is no war of Chieftains or of princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and of causes. there are vast numbers, not only in this island but in every land, who will render faithful service in this war, but whose names will never be known, whose deeds will never be recorded. this is a war of the Unknown Warrior.
Churchill on 14th July 1940 BBC broadcast.

On the 8th May 1945 at 00.01 hours, the war in Europe came to an end. After six years of sacrifice, Britain and it's allies were victorious.
To mark the 60th anniversary of the ind of World War II, the Royal British Legion is launching a National campaign to say a Big Thank You to all those man and women who fought for our freedom. The aim of the Nation's biggest Thank You id to give each of us the opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who played a part in Britain's heroic war effort. It may be our last opportunity to do this as a nation.

It is the victouy of the cause of freedom in every land. In our long history we have never seen a greater day than this. Everyone, man or woman, has done their best. Neither the long years, nor the dangers, nor the fierce attacks of the enemy, have in any way weakened the indepenant resolve of the British nation. My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not a victory of a a party or of any class. It is a victory of the whole British nation as a whole. God Bless you all.
Churchill on May 8th 1945